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FADE IN: The Official Blog: An Introduction of Sorts

Braxton Rickert

Yew-cheen Chef-faw*!
*We all remember the Evoran greeting... right?

Welcome to the official blog of FADE IN: THE MAKING OF STAR TREK: INSURRECTION, A Textbook on Screenwriting from Within the Star Trek Universe, written by Michael Piller.

LET ME BE CLEAR UPFRONT: I am not Michael.

My name is Braxton: a fellow Trek fan, writer, and alum of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Just a humble guide to explore things screenwriting related as well as Star Trek related, as only an expert can.

(Okay... working on the humble part...)

Michael Piller, 1948-2005

For those of you not yet in the know, Michael Piller was the show-runner and head writer on STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION (TNG) starting in season 3, helped create and wrote for STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE (DS9) as well as STAR TREK: VOYAGER (VGR).

He also wrote the ninth entry in the Star Trek film canon, STAR TREK: INSURRECTION (ST:INS).

I can practically hear you now: "Braxton, this is my favorite film. Why do I even need to hear this?"

Well I'll tell you! After writing the film, Michael thought it would be educational to write a whole book about the process of developing the film: from the initial idea, different drafts and developmental discussions, down on into when the film was released! Definitely something educational for Hollywood screenwriters as well as a fun behind the scenes look for Trekkies.


The powers that be at the time decided that the public wasn’t ready to see behind the curtain, and held the book back from being published.

Which seems rather hilarious to today’s modern world, where I can’t even upload a photo to Twitter without seeing the “behind the scenes” turmoil behind JUSTICE LEAGUE or debates on why Colin Trevorrow’s STAR WARS IX actually made more thematic sense than JJ Abrams’. Hell, the amount of times a sequel to STAR TREK BEYOND has been announced actually outnumbers the amount of films released in the Star Trek canon!

How many more announcements does it take to finally get a new film?

How many does it take, Admiral???

We live in a world fascinated with the behind the scenes. Which is why now, Michael’s wife Sandra Piller has decided to publish the book for all who want to learn more about Star Trek, screenwriting, and why the two have been at odds for decades.

Sandra with a couple of cosplayers at a convention

So look for her at conventions! Sandra loves to go and talk to fans and reconnect with the casts who know and love her, as well as who know and love Michael. Take the upcoming STAR TREK: MISSION CHICAGO this weekend of April 8-10. Sandra won't be there this time, but look for mention of Michael's book! And go visit Sandra's dear friend Chase Masterson! She is phenomenal!

Okay, kids! That's enough of a hello at this point. I can't wait to explore new facets of this book with you all!

For this and more about screenwriting and STAR TREK: INSURRECTION, get your copy of FADE IN today! is owned by Sandra Piller and is the only place to buy this exclusive piece of Star Trek history (we are also on Amazon!)




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